Bark Park

About This Location

The Bark Park is open year-round from dawn to dusk.  The one-acre park is located on the Southwest corner of Southside Park on South Park Drive.

Bark Park Rules:

  • Enter at your own risk.  Owners or handlers are liable for any damage to property, persons or other dogs caused by their dog.
  • All dogs must be leashed until inside the park.
  • All dogs MUST be supervised at ALL TIMES.
  • ALL dogs must be vaccinated.
  • Dogs with viral, parasitic infections or open wounds not allowed.
  • Pick up after your dog or loose park privileges.
  • NO smoking, food or glass containers inside the dog park.
  • Dogs UNDER 4 months old not permitted in park.
  • No dogs in heat allowed.
  • If your dog is unruly, or plays rough, put on the leash and leave the park immediately.