Results 1-29 of 29
How do I make a general inquiry to the City?
If you require contact information for a specific department or office, please navigate to the homepage for that office through the website menu. See additional information below for links and further details.
How much are utility deposits?
Electric $100, Gas $100, Water $50, Sewer $75
Why should I call 811 before every dig?
Don't gamble with your safety - if your a professional excavator or a homeowner, smart digging always requires a call to 811. Knowing where underground utility lines are buried before you dig will help protect you from injury and prevent damages to utilities, service disruptions and potential fines and repair costs. Whether you're planting a tree or shrub, or installing a deck or pool, every job requires a call - Even if you've call before for a similar project. The depth of utility lines varies, and there may be multiple utility lines in one common area.
Why are there flags on my property and do the colors indicate anything in particular?
Either a neighbor, a contractor, or a landscaper has requested that all the utility lines be marked before any digging is done in your area. Yes. Each color indicates a universal color to what is buried below ground.
Red - Electric
Yellow- Gas
Orange - Telephone- TV
Blue - Water
Green - Sewer
Purple - Reclaimed Water
Pink - Survey Markings
White - Proposed Construction
Red - Electric
Yellow- Gas
Orange - Telephone- TV
Blue - Water
Green - Sewer
Purple - Reclaimed Water
Pink - Survey Markings
White - Proposed Construction
How do I report a Utility Emergency 24/7?
The Utility Emergency number is (812) 683-2327.
If I have a question about my Utility Bill, who do I call?
If you pay your Utility Bill to the Huntingburg Municipal Utilities, call (812) 683-2211.
Where can I get help paying my utility bills?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides funds to State and local Governments to help low-income households pay utility bills. You can access information on that program at the LIHEAP web site below.
Some electric and gas utilities, churches, and social services organizations may have emergency financial assistance programs. You will have to contact those organizations in your area.
How is the water treated so you can drink it?
Like many water utilities with a surface water supply, we use a multi-step treatment process consisting of the following:
Where does the city gets its water from?
The city gets water from the Patoka Lake Regional Water District and treats water from the Huntingburg City Lake.
How much can I expect to pay for heating this winter?
U.S. households are projected to spend an average of $978 per household for heating during the winter (October through March) of 2009-2010, a decrease of about 5.5% over last winter. Households heating with fuel oil and electricity are projected to spend more than last winter for heating.
The forecast (as of March 9, 2010) for average winter heating expenditures and the percent change over last winter, for households heating with:
What percentage of homes in the U.S. use natural gas for heating?
In 2005, nearly 52% of all households (residential sector) used natural gas as their primary heating fuel, accounting for about 22% of total natural gas consumed in the United States.
How much electricity does an American home use?
In 2008, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 11,040 kWh, an average of 920 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month. Tennessee had the highest annual consumption at 15,624 kWh and Maine the lowest at 6,252 kWh.
What is HOPP (Homeowners Protection Plan)?
HOPP is a sewer lateral inspection on all structures that have wastewater discharge. This is a mandatory inspection on all structures that have sewer discharge and then change ownership. The reason behind the sewer inspection, is to keep wastewater costs down. This helps eliminate I&I (inflow infiltratoin). I&I comes through broken sewer laterals and costs the wastewater plant extra money to treat the wastewater.
Do I need anything prior to a sewer lateral inspection or HOPP?
No, when the property is changing ownershp, the sewer lateral inspections are free and simply require the owner to provide access to the sewer lateral cleanout! When the inspection is requested by the owner and the property is not changing ownership, the $100 fee and cleanout access is all that is required.
What if my drains are slow? What should I do if my sanitary sewer clean-out is holding water, water is backing up in my basement, or overflowing?
Call the wastewater department. We will check the sewer main for blockages. If the sewer main in not blocked, you may have a blockage in your line near your home. In the event your personal line is blocked, you wil need to call a licensed plumber.
Phone: 812-683-3203
After-Hours: 812-683-2327
Phone: 812-683-3203
After-Hours: 812-683-2327
Where is my sewer lateral? Will the City of Huntingburg locate my sewer lateral?
In the event the property is not changing ownership, the city will provide this service. However, locating the sewer lateral will cost the property owner $100.
Can I plant anything around my sewer lateral?
Preferably NO. In dry years, the plant's roots seek out water and will travel and grow aound sewer lines. The roots can infiltrate the line or even crush the line. Typically, man-made trenches allow water to flow more easily and attract root systems.
What do sanitary sewer clean-outs look like?
1). Older structures will have a 4" or 6" cast iron pipe with a hub and brass threaded cap.
2). Newer structures will have a 4" or 6" PVC pipe with a brass cap, PVC cap, or rubber cap.
2). Newer structures will have a 4" or 6" PVC pipe with a brass cap, PVC cap, or rubber cap.
I am selling my house? What do I need to do concerning wastewater?
You will need to contact the Huntingburg Utility Billing Office, phone number 683-2211. You will need to request a sewer inspection. The sewer inspection is free.
How is the wastewater treated at the Huntingburg wastewater plant?
The wastewater arrives at the plant after traveling through the collection lines. First, the wastewater runs through a bar screen (metal rack with evenly placed rods) which removes large items such as trash, plastic, rags,etc. Next, the wastewater flows slowly through settling tanks where floating material such as oil and grease are skimmed off and where solids settle to the bottom. The solids then form primary sludge that is pumped through a solids treatment process. Then the wastewater, which still contains some solids, is sent through a secondary, aerated treatment process involving microorganisms. The solids are used as the food supply for the microorganisms. Eventually, the microorganisms also settle to the bottom as they move through large basins called clarifiers. It is possible to recirculate some of them back through the process to continue their cleaning work. However some are removed as the microorganism growth expands. The removed solids that have been through the primary and secondary treatment processes then enter a solids digestion process. After digestion occurs, the remaining material is dried and disposed of in a state certified manner. Finally, the clarified water travels from secondary treatment through a holding tank where chlorine is added for disinfection. The final product of clean, disinfected water can now be returned to the environment from which it came.
What do they do at the Wastewater Treatment Plant?
At Huntingburg's Wastewater Treatment Plant, highly trained, experienced, state-certified operators oversee treatment plant processes. These operators are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These operators must react promptly to any unusual conditions that may occur. There are a multitude of controls that effect wastewater treatment processes. Many of these controls are automated and require technical expertise. Manual controls rely on the operators physical presence to observe conditions and make adjustments as needed. Operators can be called in on weekends, holidays, and the wee hours of the morning. The operators are continually monitoring every aspect of the wastewater facility.
Who maintains Huntingburg's sewer lines?
The City of Huntingburg maintains all sewer mains, which are located in the street or on public utilities easements. However, residents and business owners own the lateral connections to the mains. Generally, laterals run on the owners' property and can run under streets or public areas to reach the main. It is the responsibility of property owners to maintain their sewer lateral line.
What is a vapor trap?
All water fixtures in your home should have a vapor trap. A vapor trap is a U shaped pipe that is clearly visible under sinks, and is present in some form on all lines draining to the sewage system. The purpose is to hold water in the U shape, which prevents gases from backing up from the sewer into the house through the sink drain.
What is a sewer lateral?
A sewer lateral is the privately owned and maintained sewer pipe connecting a building or household to the public sewer main.
What if my kitchen sink is stopped up?
Almost all sink stoppages are internal problems. This is the resident's responsibility to call a licensed plumber to fix the problem.
What if I smell sewer gas?
Check your drain traps. Make sure they aren't dry. If your traps are dry due to low flow, add vegetable oil during dry periods.
What is a sanitary sewer clean-out?
A sanitary sewer clean- out is an access point to the main sanitary sewer drain piping. This allows cleaning.
Why treat wastewater?
The world's supply of fresh water is slowly running dry. Almost half of the world's population faces water scarcity issues. Almost all diseases plaguing the world are water-borne. Unbelievably, a person dies every eight seconds by some water-borne disease across the globe. Water scarcity is amongst the most serious crises facing the world. Therefore, the city of Huntingburg is committed to treating wastewater to the highest standards before it returns to its natural environment.
I want to install a fence on my property. How do I do that?
A fence permit is required to install a fence on your property. There is no fee to apply.
Results 1-29 of 29